How to fix printer offline issue

Printers are definitely not a new technology, and most people think that they’d be problem-free by now. Sadly, that’s not just the case. You might face issues sometimes with any of your devices. Printer offline error is not rare. In fact, many people have experienced this issue. Most of the modern printing models come with the ability to get connected to computer systems and mobile phones. However, when you get an offline printer error, that can be pretty frustrating for you. You might be wondering now how you can get back your printing device on the online mode. If that is your question, there is no need to worry. You can resolve this error by trying our troubleshooting tips. When your printing device shows an offline message, it might be because it’s having a hard time communicating with your computer.
You will find multiple reasons for this, ranging from connectivity issues to a fault with your printer. Whatever the reason, you can resolve this by trying this simple troubleshooting trick:
The solution to fix the “Printer Offline” error
To get your printing device back online, you must check your printer’s connectivity with your computer. Look at the network cable that connects your printer to your router, and you should also check the USB cable that connects your printer to your PC or laptop. If you see that all of the connections are working, you should try moving your cables to an alternative port. Also, you can try restarting your printing device to fix the Printer Offline error. Rebooting your model sometimes fixes the connection problems.
Alternate solution
If you are still asking yourself why your printing device is showing an offline error, you can try clearing the print jobs. The document you are trying to print might have caused your printer to go offline. Press the “Cancel All Your Documents” button to clear all your print jobs. You can also try removing and then reinstalling your printer to fix the issue.